how to pick online grocery store name

Ecommerce store playbook

how to pick online grocery store name

  • October 29, 2020
  • October 29, 2020

Naming an online grocery store can be tricky. If your online grocery store name isn’t right, you might struggle to attract initial customers. That's why TechoSquare will share with you 5 ideas that will help you create a catchy and memorable online grocery store name. 

Use the following online grocery store name tips & suggestions to generate more business and make your customers remember: 

#1 Use a keyword 

Using a keyword in your grocery store name makes it easier to rank on Google and also quickly communicate which business you are into. Use any of the following words to make your name more impactful:









The above words are widely associated with grocery businesses and can greatly help in increasing mind recall of your brand. You can also use 'grocery and food' related words in your local language to resonate locally. This is the easiest way to come across online grocery store name ideas!

#2 Keep it short and memorable 

If you are looking forward to target customers online more than offline, then, select a grocery store name that is short and easy to understand can work magic. This is because easy and short brand names have a bigger mind recall.

Something complex like '' would trigger errors and a lot of potential visitors will go away.  Use this online grocery shop name idea to win big.

#3 Check domain name availability 

Getting a domain name that matches your business name is really important. If your business name is unique and catchy but the related domain names are not available (or are expensive), then, you are in a tough spot.

Make sure both your store name and the domain name match each other. If it doesn't, use wordplay or special characters to pick the nearest option. Some offline grocers also start online stores on entirely unique names to build unique brands. If this online grocery store name idea appeals to you, then, go ahead with that!

online grocery store ideas names

#4 Convey a message. Tell a story

Online grocery business names that convey a message or idea can work wonders as well. For instance, if your grocery store will be big on discounts, then, capturing that through the name will work wonders. Similarly, if you want to deal with products that are health-focused, then, try capturing this idea.  

#5 Look into directories 

A unique name is easier to turn into a brand but the search can be overwhelming. This is precisely why there are hundreds of brand name generators out there. Do your share of research and mine these directories to identify unique online grocery shop name ideas.

Go through different lists of grocery names present online but make sure the name you are about to select doesn’t match with your competitors.  

Think outside the box and come up with clever and unique name ideas for your grocery store.

Finding the right online store name can feel like a daunting task. But it’s absolutely crucial to put time and thought into naming your online grocery business.

The above 5 tips will help you select a strong brand name and give you an immediate advantage in the digital realm. 

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