7th Mar 2023

Native Vs. Hybrid Mobile App: A Detailed Comparison

When it comes to creating a new mobile application, entrepreneurs often get asked by developers whether they want a native or hybrid platform. Now answering this question might be easy for some but it can be confusing for those who are not tech savvy. And we totally understand that. Both types of mobile applications have their own unique capabilities and challenges.

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24th Jan 2023

Outfit Making App in 2023: Popular Options, Creator Process, and More

Style is something each of us already has; all we need to do is find it. With 80 billion new pieces of clothing being made and consumed every year, it's kind of understandable why outfit-making and picking apps are such a rage.

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24th Jan 2023

Website Structure: Why it Matters and 6 Tips to Nail it

When it comes to creating a website for your business, it's crucial to pay attention to its structure. Much like how a poorly constructed home can be at risk of collapsing, a website with poor structural development can negatively impact the user experience and impact business prospects.

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30th Dec 2022

MVP Mobile App Development: A Complete 2023 Guide

So, you have decided to build a mobile app for your business. We bet you have a brilliant app idea and are prepared to put in that money as well as effort. But is launching a full-fledged mobile app loaded with all features really worth the initial risk?

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26th Dec 2022

Outsourcing Website Development Company in India: 6 Tips to Consider

Outsourcing helps startups and entrepreneurs manage challenging web design and development without straining the wallet. That’s why more and more business owners are looking for offshore web development companies 

In 2022, millions of business owners and organizations invested in outsourced web development to:

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28th Nov 2022

Creating AI-Powered Website in 2023: Everything You Need to Know

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more common with each passing year. Industry giants like Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple have been aggressively integrating artificial intelligence-driven features on their websites. And why wouldn’t they?

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28th Nov 2022

6 Platforms for Mobile Application Development: 2023 Recommendations

There was a time when developers have to undertake complex programming, UI design, and testing in order to create a mobile app. But thanks to modern-day app development platforms, building, testing, and deploying mobile apps is not a herculean task for developers and entrepreneurs.

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7th Nov 2022

Creating Own Website for Business in 2023: 5 Platforms, Tips, and Trends

Whether you are an offline entrepreneur thinking of taking your business online, an artist wishing more eyeballs for her art, or an influencer interested in business deals, creating your own website is almost essential for virtual success.

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7th Nov 2022

Creating a Fitness Application: Workout App Types, Strategy, and More

Fitness apps have become all the rage among fitness entrepreneurs, trainers, yoga teachers, bodybuilders, dieticians, and wellness experts in 2022. Ever since the COVID pandemic started, more and more people are devoting themselves to improving their fitness and well-being. And a lot of them are installing fitness apps to monitor progress and see health changes in real time.

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